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Changes of Company Name and Logo

Effective from April 20th 2018, our company name has officially changed from Janky Technology Co., Ltd. to ImPress Solutions Co., Ltd.. Along with the change of the company name, our logo has also changed accordingly.

ISO Certified

We have passed the certification of ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

2017.03 CABSAT

Stand : D6-22 Date : 2017.03.21-2017.03.23 Janky will be exhibiting at Dubai World Trade Centre for CABSAT 2017 on March 21st ~ 23nd, come visit us!

Janky sales team visited business partners in Central and South America

鍵吉業務部成員於今年八月底前往中南美洲拜訪當地的商業夥伴。 除參觀倉儲與進出貨流程外,也討論目前合作專案以及在中南美洲市場進一步的開發計畫,雙方會談相當融洽。拜訪之餘,成員們也應邀請前往當地名勝古蹟並享用當地美食,留下了難得的異國體驗。
2016 SUBCON-5


荷蘭 - 阿姆斯特丹

2012 IBC

Netherlands – Amsterdam